The House that John Whyte built. Est. 1960’s
After purchasing the Pines Yacht Club and Botel with partners model John Whyte eventually bought them all out owning it all on his own. It was time to build his castle in the sand, and yes it had to have an ocean view. It would survive the Hurricane Donna of 1962 as others got washed away. Home to the sounds of Opera, food, friends, and famous guests, but most of all the memories of a time gone by…

Fire Island Pines People- John Burlingame Whyte
There have been the many who came after, but the true creator of Fire Island Pines, and its reputation today is former owner John Whyte. John a former model and business man helped to establish the sophisticated aura that still lingers today…

Fire Island Celebrity history- Dionne Warwick
Like her hit song, singer Dionne Warwick maybe had to ask about the way to San Jose, but she found her way to Fire Island instead. She initially visited in 1968, but returned to the Pines in 1991 to support many AIDS benefits.

Fire Island Pines People- Jack and Rita Lichtenstein
People make community, and this couple certainly made the community called Fire Island Pines. Early settlers and pioneers Jack owned a Liquor store business and together with wife Rita they deeply involved themselves in the theater, in both Cherry Grove and the Pines leaving a legacy of memories for family and freinds…

The Pavilion 2004- 2010
In 2004 longtime owner John Whyte sells the Pines properties to Eric Von Kuersteiner. Von Kuersteiner begins sweeping changes with a plan to revive the Pines and bring a new generation. With that comes a new Pavilion Nightclub changing the cornerstone of the Pines…
From the Pines with Love 1990
After the success of the first “From the Pines with Love” benefit in 1985 it was decided to have another. Beginning with a dinner at the home of Annette and Herbert Katzin. Chaired again by John Whyte with huge community support. Benefitting CRI Community Research Initiative.

From the Pines with Love 1985
With the advent of the AIDS crisis Pines business owner John Whyte felt the need for a community response. With co-chair Ron English, and using his sign off on his popular weekly column in Fire Island News “From the Pines with Love” was created.

Fire Island Pines People- Lance Ferris
After a visit in 1979 to Fire Island , a young Lance Ferris arrived on his own in 1980 fresh from Sheepshead Bay Brooklyn. Taking a guide book he got his ticket on the Long Island Railroad and made his way out to Sayville. There he boarded a ferry to Cherry Grove. He had been to all the bars in NYC including Ice Palace 57. At 17 he had just left High School and was determined to get a job bartending at the Ice Palace in Cherry Grove, and so he did…
The Pavilion Est.1980-2004
It was the end of the golden age of the Pines. At the end of the 1979 season the beloved Sandpiper was being replaced by a new club called the Pavilion. It was an end of an era, and many in the community were not happy…

Fire Island Pines Community House/ Whyte Hall Est.1854-2007
Where Whyte Hall stands was once a historic building. First known as a Lifesaving Station in what was once Lone Hill, then converted into what was called the Community House in the now Pines. Like everything there is a history and so it goes…
DJ Kevin Burke
DJ Kevin Burke was the house DJ at the Pines and Dunes Yacht Club, better known as the Botel, now the Blue Whale for 14 summer seasons from 1977 to 1987 for 5-7 days per week beginning early June and ending late September.

The Botel History Est. 1960
Standing the test of time is the Botel. Created from cinder block im 1960 after a previous fire, and named, and renamed its still here!

The Origins of Fire Island’s Tea Dance at The Blue Whale
The Tea Dance was created in 1966 in the Pines by then owner John Whyte. It is now replicated in gay resorts around the world…
Fire Island Celebrity history- Rock Hudson
Many celebrities found their way to the Pines. Closeted actor Rock Hudson was one…

Fire Island Pines People- Peggy Fears
Peggy Fears was a former Ziegfeld showgirl who found her way to Fire Island where she invested in the then growing community by building her Yacht Club and Botel bringing her Broadway and Hollywood friends creating an aura of sophistication that continues today…

The Invasion Est. 1976- The 70’s
The Invasion is a joint history between Cherry Grove and the Pines. Established in the Bicentennial year of 1976 it remains a day where both communities come together to celebrate.