1960’s It’s a Mod, Mod World

The Fire Island Pines was still finding its way and its identity as a community. The Home Guardian Company of New York were still trying to define it, but like an unruly child the Pines wasn’t having it. Yes, it was a family community, but one of their own definition…

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In spite of promoting itself as a family community, and the proximity to Cherry Grove, the beauty of the generous landscape was luring many from NYC. The mix of the locals, theater, and design clientele was creating a melting pot of what would become the future..

Boys, boys, boys!

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It was a Mod, Mod, Mod world! The 60’s were swingin as more and more boys found out about this Fire Island haven. Liquor companies like Milshire Gin were realizing the opportunities of Fire Island, and created marketing events.


After a devastating fire in 1959…

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Owner Peggy Fears with the help of her friend designer Luis Estevez who drew a rendering of the new building on a napkin, and with the Reynolds Aluminum Company she would build the new club first in record time opening on the 4th of July. The Botel would follow the next year.

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1959 july 4th

The grand opening of the new club ( the now Blue Whale) with Peggy Fears thanking bucket brigade who helped put out the fire with Frank Hilan broadway star at head.

Peggys partner was a woman named Tedi Thurman who was a weather girl for Monitor Radio. They were a lively couple known for there loud altercations with each other. It was Tedi who christened the Botel with its name.

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1960. The new Botel.

The fire proof Botel made of cinder blocks rises from the ashes.

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The Botel

Because it was the only hotel many celebrities stayed as it was a different time, and expectations were not what they are today.

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John Whyte

Peggy Fears soon sells to model John Whyte who brings more celebrity and sophistication. He creates the Tea Dance in 1966. A tradition that still continues today.

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The swinging community of Talsiman moves in as a next door neighbor.

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The world was changing …


The freedoms that exist today were not a given. Men were not allowed to dance together, hence the line dance that included at least one woman. The arrests that went on both in the Grove and the Pines were commonplace where you were shamed publicly.

#own yourhistory#