Fire Island Pines Community House/ Whyte Hall Est.1854-2007
Where Whyte Hall stands was once a historic building. First known as a Lifesaving Station in what was once Lone Hill, then converted into what was called the Community House in the now Pines. Like everything there is a history and so it goes…
The Fire Island Pines Community House as it was known was originally built in 1854, and was first used as a life-saving station, only to be taken over by the Coast Guard around 1900 when it was called the Lone Hill Station. After a time it fell into disuse, only to be revived during World War II when it served as a patrol headquarters for the Fire Island beachfront.
When FIPPOA (Fire Island Pines Property Owners Association) was created in the agreement with Home Guardian Company of New York who owned the land the for‐ mer Lone Hill Coast Guard Station was sold to them. They then offered shares to the homeowners. The agreement is talked about in a letter below.
1963 Trudy Frank
It then became the Community house, and did just that to create community. All community functions took place here from Birthday parties to Theater events.
1981. The Fire Island Pines Community house gets it’s third lease on life after 2 years and $140,000 worth of renovations. Renovations by project architect Earl Combs included a new stage and auditorium, a medical facility, and new office for the community manager. “We wanted to save the character while making the inside functional” said Combs. The first theater production was “Shine it on.”
It was, and continues to be the home to many FIP Organizations such as FIPAP (Fire Island Pines Art Project), Pines Care Center, FIPPOA ( Fire Island Pines Property Owners Association), Temple Bnai Olam, and more.
In 1994 a competition was held for a design of a new building for the Community Center. It was won by the Architectural firm Bromley/Caldari Design. With the old building compromised by age and wear, and out of date with future needs it was finally acted upon in 2004. It was decided to name it Whyte Hall after commercial property owner John Whyte who donate a lions share of the money.
Demolition and construction began in fall 2004 with a completion date set for 2006.
2007. The grand opening of Whyte Hall.