“SUNRISE” The party that inspired “Beach.” 1978
It was 1978 and house parties in the Pines were happening weekly. The housemates of the TV House as it was known wanted to throw one of their own. Fire Island was known for its parties. The housemates of the TV House were all from the world of the creative. Scott Bromley an up and coming architect who had just designed Studio 54 nightclub in NYC, his partner Interior designer Robin Jacobsen, Colin Birch; Design Director for Bonwit Teller, to name a few.

“The Ponderosa” The Taussig House Est. 1957.
Known as “The Ponderosa” after the ranch home on the television show “Bonanza.” Built by Ted & Doris Taussig and designed by Architect Felix Augenfeld in 1957.

Postcards from the Fire Island Pines
For many a visit to Fire Island resulted in a postcard sent with an image showing the events or beauty of the Island.

Staging Terry Miller’s 1981 play, PINES ‘79, in 2023
In September 2023, as part of David Baldwin’s monthly LGBTQ Play Reading Series, he produced and directed a reading of Terry Miller’s 1981 play, PINES' ‘79. Set in the first summer of The Beach Party (now known as “Pines Party”), the play follows one share house through the summer, with 5 scenes set in May, June, July, August, and September.

Cherry Grove People- Michael Fesco
Michael Fesco was a creator. In the summer of 1969 this Broadway chorus boy between gigs found himself managing what was being referred to as the Boom Boom room in Cherry Grove. Within a month found himself running the whole complex That he would name The Ice Palace…

Fire Island Fashion History- Antonio Lopez
As the 1970’s arrived the Pines became the IT destination for many in the Fashion world. Some for the backdrop it provided, and many for the privacy and fun. Fashion Illustrator Antonio Lopez was one. Hanging out with friends french photographer Jean Eudes Canival and partner Fashion designer partner Fred Lansac’s home. Pool guests included actor David Duchovny and Jason Beghe.
The House that John Whyte built. Est. 1960’s
After purchasing the Pines Yacht Club and Botel with partners model John Whyte eventually bought them all out owning it all on his own. It was time to build his castle in the sand, and yes it had to have an ocean view. It would survive the Hurricane Donna of 1962 as others got washed away. Home to the sounds of Opera, food, friends, and famous guests, but most of all the memories of a time gone by…

Fire Island Pines People- Scott Bromley
From Studio 54 to Fire Island Pines Architect Scott Bromley has left his mark. A longtime Pines resident who defines the word community…

I will Survive by Gloria Gaynor- The history…
On January 20, 1979 Gloria Gaynor’s recording of "I Will Survive" was released and started its way up the music charts. “I Will Survive” became one of the quintessential anthems for Gay Pride that year and has held strong as a favorite of gay men everywhere.

Fire Island Art History- Bernard Perlin
The 1930’s through the 50’s saw a migration of the Art world finding their way to Fire Island for inspiration, freedom , and community. Painter Bernard Perlin would join friends like George Platt Lynes, Lincoln Kirstein, Paul Cadmus, Jared French, and more to express their creative…

Fire Island Pines People- John Burlingame Whyte
There have been the many who came after, but the true creator of Fire Island Pines, and its reputation today is former owner John Whyte. John a former model and business man helped to establish the sophisticated aura that still lingers today…

Fire Island Celebrity history- Mart Crowley
Fire Island Pines was drawing all creatives including playwright Mart Crowley whose play “Boys in the Band” was introducing the gay lifestyle to the world. That influence was now arriving in the Pines changing the demographic from predominantly straight to a growing population of gay…

Sticks and Stones- The movie 1969-70
The topic of Gay and Fire Island were off limits in Hollywood, but somehow movies got made. Yes the budgets were low, however the Camp aspect was high, and so we have “Sticks and Stones” Stan Lopresto’s 1970 Fire Island film which documents a July 4th party thrown by Peter and Buddy, lovers in a strained relationship. Partygoers include leather queen George; a hippie known as “the Lavender Guru”; nervous newcomer Bobby; and Fernando, a biker boy with a new Prince Albert piercing. It doesn’t get campier than that…

The Solar House Est.1976
Before we became aware of the importance of recycling and the use of solar energy there was a home in the Pines that was ahead of it’s time. At the top of Beach Hill on the ocean is the home with a history…

Art History- Peter Hujar
Like many artists Photographer Peter Hujar found his way to Fire Island. He died of AIDS in 1987, leaving behind a complex and profound body of photographs. He was a leading figure in the group of artists, musicians, writers, and performers at the forefront of the cultural scene in downtown New York in the 1970s and early ’80s, and was enormously admired for his completely uncompromising attitude towards work and life. He was a consummate technician, and his portraits of people, animals, and landscapes, with their exquisite black-and-white tonalities, were extremely influential.

The David Barrett house Est. 1955
Every house has a story and this one certainly does. Built in 1955 it consisted of the main house and pool house. Interior Designer David Barrett started in humble beginnings only to end up as a in demand top interior designer with several homes including this one…

Fire Island Architecture history-The A Frame house Est.1965
Beginning it’s life as a simple modernistic A frame of the late 60’s its design seemed to fit right into it’s plot of land facing the Great South Bay. Built by owners Vera and Paul Weidenhoffer as a family summer home it’s frontage gave you a front row seat to the most beautiful sunsets of Long Island.

Fire Island Architecture history: The Angelo Donghia/ Ron Chereskin/ Howard Goldfarb Home Est.1964-2005
Like many designers who were drawn to the Pines designer Angelo Donghia was no different. The word was out about the new hip Pines community, and all were coming. Architects, Interior designers, and artists of every kind were creating a melting pot of everything creative.

Fire Island Pines People- Jack and Rita Lichtenstein
People make community, and this couple certainly made the community called Fire Island Pines. Early settlers and pioneers Jack owned a Liquor store business and together with wife Rita they deeply involved themselves in the theater, in both Cherry Grove and the Pines leaving a legacy of memories for family and freinds…