
Fool’s Paradise Drag Party 2014- It’s a Madge, Madge, Madge, Madge, Madge World.
Fool’s Paradise is a once a year Drag Party that was created as a tradition in 1996 by a fun creative group of Gays. In 2014 they decided to create a record for the Guinness World Records by having a party with the most people dressed as Madonna, and that is just what they did!

Fire Island Fashion History- Antonio Lopez
As the 1970’s arrived the Pines became the IT destination for many in the Fashion world. Some for the backdrop it provided, and many for the privacy and fun. Fashion Illustrator Antonio Lopez was one. Hanging out with friends french photographer Jean Eudes Canival and partner Fashion designer partner Fred Lansac’s home. Pool guests included actor David Duchovny and Jason Beghe.
The House that John Whyte built. Est. 1960’s
After purchasing the Pines Yacht Club and Botel with partners model John Whyte eventually bought them all out owning it all on his own. It was time to build his castle in the sand, and yes it had to have an ocean view. It would survive the Hurricane Donna of 1962 as others got washed away. Home to the sounds of Opera, food, friends, and famous guests, but most of all the memories of a time gone by…

Fire Island Pines People- Scott Bromley
From Studio 54 to Fire Island Pines Architect Scott Bromley has left his mark. A longtime Pines resident who defines the word community…
Fire Island Pines 50th Anniversary 1953-2003
Another decade another Anniversary as Fire Island Pines celebrates its 50th Anniversary with a party and the premiere of the documentary “ When Ocean Meets Sky.”

Fire Island Celebrity history- Mart Crowley
Fire Island Pines was drawing all creatives including playwright Mart Crowley whose play “Boys in the Band” was introducing the gay lifestyle to the world. That influence was now arriving in the Pines changing the demographic from predominantly straight to a growing population of gay…

Fire Island Architecture history: The Angelo Donghia/ Ron Chereskin/ Howard Goldfarb Home Est.1964-2005
Like many designers who were drawn to the Pines designer Angelo Donghia was no different. The word was out about the new hip Pines community, and all were coming. Architects, Interior designers, and artists of every kind were creating a melting pot of everything creative.

“Beach” Fire Island’s 1st beach party- the party that started it all. 40th Anniversary 1979-2019
In 1979 the Pines community came together to raise funds for a new fire truck. The event was called “Beach.” It was a party that was a first of it’s kind, and changed the Pines forever. In 2019 we came together to celebrate the 40th anniversary…

Ascension Party 2006-2017
In 2006, Pines then owner Eric von Kuersteiner had a vision to create a fun daytime party for the new generation of Fire Island. He named it Ascension. It grew into the island’s most anticipated and busiest weekends, with three days of stellar events, thousands of cute guys and unsurpassed entertainment—all raising money for charity, benefitting the Fund in the Sun Foundation.

Fire Island DJ Don Fendley
Don Fendley’s DJ career began in New York during the late-1960s at a Fire Island Pines club called The Blue Whale at the Botel. Fendley had become frustrated with the starting-and-stopping of the Blue Whale jukebox, so he suggested to the owner that he could bring along some of his own 45s and a couple turntables.
Pines People- Ron McKenna
Ron McKenna was a community minded person, and when he found Fire Island Pines he knew he had to be part of the communities fabric, and so he became deeply involved. In the best way. Because of his relatability he created a bond with the town of Brookhaven where the decision making happened about who could do what in the Pines. With this he became revered and relied upon in the community. It was the legacy he left that has never been replaced…

The Carrington Chronicles - Chapter 3:“Two Saxophones and Music”
On May 4, 1910, the US Senate passed Act S.1119 and forwarded it to President Taft for signature. It was the end of a 7-year nightmare for Major Carrington and the conclusion of his military career. And it was certainly most traumatic for his young son. Frank Jr. was seven years old when it began, and 14 years old when it was over. An event in a young life made more difficult by the remote nature of the circumstances.

Pines People- Pepper Fee… Growing up Pines.
In the 1960’s as the Pines was establishing itself as a community children were a big part as many straight local families from Long Island were investing as a summer home. They would have the opportunity to grow up in a different atmosphere than the one they would live in across the bay. Pepper Fee was one…
The Ultimate Oz Party 1995
The 1990’s brought the Benefit to Fire Island Pines. With the advent of AIDS it became clear that the community needed to join the fight. God’s Love We Deliver was just one of the many organizations that reached out to the Pines for support.

The FIPAP Art Show Est. 1985-1987
Art has always been part of the Pines community. The beauty of the beach has inspired many. In the 70’s it became a melting pot for the creative as designers, artists, architects, and theater people found their way to the Pines.

DJ Tom Savarese
The early days of disco brought many young DJs to Fire Island to test the waters. DJ Tom Savarese was one.

Crews Quarters Est. 1982
Realtor Doris Taussig opens “Crews Quarters. It was known as the friendly place. The place where the locals and more came to drink and socialize. More importantly it was the game of pool that brought people together…

Carnival Rio party @ Reflections 1986
Throughout the 1980’S Gloria DeMann and her husband Larry were know in the the Pines for their lavish parties at their bayfront home called “Reflections.” Carnival Rio was just one of many…
Fire Island Celebrity history- Jerry Herman
1960’s-1990’s. Broadway composer Jerry Herman loved the Pines so much so that after moving away, he came back time and time again to become a resident three times purchasing homes on both the Ocean and the Bay.…