
Fire Island Pines People- Scott Bromley
From Studio 54 to Fire Island Pines Architect Scott Bromley has left his mark. A longtime Pines resident who defines the word community…

Fire Island Pines People- John Burlingame Whyte
There have been the many who came after, but the true creator of Fire Island Pines, and its reputation today is former owner John Whyte. John a former model and business man helped to establish the sophisticated aura that still lingers today…

Studio 54 The Documentary & Where Ocean meets Sky exhibit 2018
On Saturday September 8th, 2018 FIPHPS held their 3rd annual end of season event with the advance screening of the new film by Matt Tyrnauer “Studio 54 The Documentary.” Also included was the exhibit of 1970 aerials “Where Ocean meets Sky.” The event sold out making it the largest attended event at Whyte Hall.