
DJ Vito Fun
How do you make a Tea Dance your own? By creating it… So DJ Vito Fun did. He got his start in music as an intern for a producer , eventually making his way up to mixing engineer. “I was born a DJ,” he laughs. “I DJ’d my first party in the fourth grade. I was introduced to the dance floor in 1995 at Roxy, then graduated to a residency at The Tunnel. “I’m too wild for a real job at this point. Music is all I know.”

The Wedding Gary/Owen 1983
Before the idea of gay marriage crossed any politicians desk there was the symbolic ceremonies that took place. Maybe not legal, yet affairs to remember. One such affair happened in the Pines and former Pines resident Owen Frager remembers it and the soundtrack to history by DJ Shaun Buchanan…

The Pavilion 2004- 2010
In 2004 longtime owner John Whyte sells the Pines properties to Eric Von Kuersteiner. Von Kuersteiner begins sweeping changes with a plan to revive the Pines and bring a new generation. With that comes a new Pavilion Nightclub changing the cornerstone of the Pines…

Fire Island Pines People- Alexandra Akira
Alexandra Akira arrived on Fire Island at fourteen years old, she would soon call this magical wonderland her second home. A love affair with Fire Island that she carries to this day. The journey began while traveling out to Long Island from her home in Connecticut as a groupie for the rock band Twisted Sister as love of music is part of her story…
The Pavilion Est.1980-2004
It was the end of the golden age of the Pines. At the end of the 1979 season the beloved Sandpiper was being replaced by a new club called the Pavilion. It was an end of an era, and many in the community were not happy…

DJ John Ceglia
Throughout the 1980’s and 90’s a group of talented DJs made their mark in the Pines as it was as noteworthy on your resume as a New York club. DJ John Ceglia joins our rank in Pines history.

Art history- Jack Brusca
Many artists have found their way to the Pines. Some for fun, sex, inspiration, or all of that combined. Artist Jack Brusca was just one.

Pines People- Bob Howard
Real Estate in the Pines historically has always had key players, and Realtor Bob Howard has been at the game for a long time. He has woven himself into the community making it a home for himself for over 40 years.

DJ Morabito
Before the reinvention became Morabito there was a young girl named Susan in a mans world of the DJ with a dream…

DJ Michael Fierman
DJ Michael Fierman was just one from the Turntable Royalty of DJ’s of the 1990’s.