The Pavilion Est.1980-2004
It was the end of the golden age of the Pines. At the end of the 1979 season the beloved Sandpiper was being replaced by a new club called the Pavilion. It was an end of an era, and many in the community were not happy…

Fire Island DJ Howard Merritt
There were many DJs who added working on Fire Island to their resumes. It definitely added prestige. DJ Howard Merritt was one. Howard was a frequent visitor to the Pines as he had friends there, and would play at many house parties.

Music history-Tom Moulton
Tom Moulton is a record producer whose name is synonymous with the Disco music. He invented the 12-inch disco single and mix. It all happened one day on Fire Island, and changed the way dance music was played in clubs forever…

Halloween History in the Pines
1970’s. It begins with a simple night at the famed Sandpiper, and evolves into Halloween in the Pines as a closing of season tradition.

DJ Robbie Leslie
A part of Fire Island History and music iconic DJ Robbie Leslie is Turntable Royalty here in the Pines. It is his roots to the incredible career he has forged as a DJ …
The Sandpiper Est.1965-1979
The Sandpiper in Fire Island Pines started as a simple restaurant , then evolved as the Disco revolution began into the place to go. Designed with rustic simplicity it is where loved memories lived.