Fire Island Architecture History: Lincoln Centre Est.1977
Sitting on a dune at the ocean at the western end of the Pines is the house known as Lincoln Centre. It was built and designed by Architect Arthur Erickson and Interior designer Francisco Kripaz. Kripaz designed the interiors to acknowledge the dramatic views of the sea and beach with translucence and clarity rather than attempt some grandiose or eccentric statement.
Night & Day 2 Benefit 1992
As the 1990’s began the need for benefits for the growing AIDS crisis became important in the Pines community. This one given by John Francis and John Gilliam. They were known as the Boulevard Boys, and played a role in benefits both in the Pines and NYC.
The Pines Dog Show Est. 1965
Fire Island has been a haven for many, yet also for our babies. Meaning our pets. Dog’s, cat’s and more make up Fire Island Families. See how we shoed them off…
Fire Island Pines People: Robin Byrd
Among the personalities known to frequent Fire Island Pines, none stood out quite like Robin Byrd. Robin Byrd is a former American porn actress, host of “The Robin Byrd Show,” and current Pines resident.