Fire Island Pines People- Will Seagers/Matt Harper
Will Seagers- Matt Harper
A rebel without a cause… This post contains adult images.
His name was Will Seagers when he arrives in the Pines in 1972. That would all change. Arriving on the FI Empress ferry into a gaslight Pines he would soon fall under the spell of Fire Island life. Invited by friend Richard Claire he soon found late night dining, and dancing at the Ice Palace fueled by a variety of helpers displayed in a large bowl put out before him as dessert. Will would wear many hats as he traveled and lived in several places. Like Puerto Rico , San Francisco, Arizona, and New York. In 1975 he was back. This time to apply for a job.
He had heard about the Pines from a friend of John Whyte’s named Lew Thomas of Target studios. By then he was exploring the world of modeling in the soft porn world with calendars, and films. Getting discovered as he walked down Christopher Street in the Village he had experienced a rough childhood giving him a bad self image. That would all change as he grew from what he thought was an ugly duckling to a swan. He was given a new lease on life with a new film name Will Seager and Matt Harper . In his twenties he came into his looks becoming the quintessential 1970’s man that everyone wanted.
Will Seagers
arrived for the interview at the Blue Whale for a job in full leather. He was hired on the spot. He became what many of the workers at the Blue Whale were . All around help. They all would have to multitask. Will was waiter, bartender, and life guard. In between on his lunch break he would be shooting porno films for Colt, Mans Image, Bijou, and more. A quick shower, then back to work. He would work in the Pines at the Blue Whale for the next three seasons.
He loved the Pines and soon became the it boy and the boy toy for many. He enjoyed the feeling and the era to the maximum. Off season he lived in San Francisco creating a bicoastal life with boyfriend Tom.
He also hung out with the many high profile models that were finding there way to the Pines like Lloyd Beardsley, and Joe McDonald.
His real job was a sound and lighting engineer. Throughout the 70’s and 80’s he would work his loves Music-Lighting- Porno.
He enjoyed his job at the Blue Whale, and got to know many of the locals like Dick Deemer and Kenny the Botel manager while staying on owner John Whyte’s good side. He got involved in the community like the Islanders club, and felt a growing sense of family. He participated in the Fashion show giving the audience what they wanted…more of him.
Fashions of the Pines 1978
He appears in the Tom Bianchi book ” Fire Island Pines Polaroids 1975-1983.
He continued his career in the porn business until 1990. Today he lives a quiet life in New Mexico with his partner, and has nothing to hide. As seen here:
He remembers his time in the Pines with great fondness, and captured it and the era in a series of Polaroids Circa 1976 seen below: