PAWS Est. 1984
Pines Animal Welfare Society
As the Pines community grew so did its animal population. Most noticeably the many pets that would arrive with homeowners and renters. However after season it was being noticed that some pets were left behind to fend for themselves. In addition during season pets got lost with no form of identification. So with that Pines longtime residents Myra Kahan and Lee Frey created PAWS Pines Animal Welfare Society. Without the technology of today it was easy to lose a pet, and have no way of finding them without this organization. As when that happened you would contact PAWS and they would help in relocating the pets owner.
Amy Nadaskay & Myra Kahan 1991
Lee Frey 1991
PAWS offered the service of tagging your pet with your accompanying information then filed. The organization would service both the Pines and Cherry Grove.
From pet shows to raffles and fundraisers PAWS had to continue to raise money as the cost of running PAWS would often be more than what was being raised. Pets have always had a place in the Pines as they are often part of the gay family unit.
1991 Dog Show. Frank Corradino & Lee Frey
In 1994 Drag Queen ELECTRA performed at the PAWS benefit.
1997 PAWS benefit.
PAWS is still active and vital in Cherry Grove. However in the Pines it has all but disappeared after a benefit in 2009 (above). Longtime Pines resident Karen Boss has taken on the responsibility of finding lost pets to their owners.